LinkedIn PositionTaller Jaen Residence
Panama Last updated2020-01-12 Remove my information
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Administrators support day-to-day functions and ensure proper operation of an organization by fulfilling daily office needs and generally supporting staff. Administrators are typically classified by their field of work, for example, Office Administrators and Computer Systems Administrators. Find the perfect recruitment candidate amongst countless Administrators, or fill your CRM with the verified e-mail addresses and phone numbers we can provide.
What company does Neyra Rodriguez work for? Neyra Rodriguez is working for Taller Jaen
What is Neyra Rodriguez's title at Taller Jaen? Neyra's title is , Secretaria Administrativa
What is Neyra Rodriguez's Seniority at Taller Jaen? Neyra Rodriguez has been with Taller Jaen for a few months and is a normal employee
For how long is Neyra Rodriguez working as a Secretaria Administrativa? Neyra Rodriguez has 6 months experience as Secretaria Administrativa.
What are Neyra Rodriguez's functions as a Secretaria Administrativa ? Neyra Rodriguez is responsible for Adminiscensore
Which education does Neyra Rodriguez have? Neyra Rodriguez has a Secondary degree from Ucenso.
Who are similar contacts like Neyra Rodriguez ? Some similar contacts are Osiris Phillips, Carlos Cortes, Nore Sugey, Norna Flores, Carmen Nuez and Leo Onorati.
What is Neyra Rodriguez's LinkedIn profile ? Neyra Rodriguez's LinkedIn profile can be found at***uez-00***
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