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Nita Taqia C

Qa/qc at Pt. Namasindo Plas
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Nita Taqia C's Contact Information

LinkedIn URL -2163sor
Tel. (Company) +1 (800) 223XXXXX
Company Pt. Namasindo Plas
Residence Indonesia, West Java, Bandung
Last updated 2022-05-22
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Quality Assurance Specialists design tests, evaluate system performance, document results, and recommend improvements for software applications.
Other job titles include Quality Control Analyst and Software Tester.
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Nita C's current details

Current Title
Type of Role
QA Specialist
 just 0.3% from Indonesia work as a QA Specialist
Job Seniority
Non Management
  84% from Indonesia are employed in Non Management
Current Industry
Polymer Materials, censored censoredcenso red censoredc ensored
Indonesia, West Java, Bandung
Experience (tracked since 2022)
▪ c ensore experience at Pt. Namasindo Plas
▪ c ensore experience as Qa/qc
LinkedIn profile -2163sor

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Company "Pt. Namasindo Plas"

Company name
Pt. Namasindo Plas
Company size
censo redcens
Year Founded
Linkedin Profile psor
Industrial Field
Polymer Materials, Plastics Manufacturing and Injection Molding
United States, Lehi, Utah
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Pt. Namasindo Plas

Nita Taqia C's Work History
data available since 2022

  • 2022 (6 months)
    Pt. Namasindo Plas
    Pt. Namasindo Plas
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Frequently asked questions

What company does Nita C work for?
Nita C is working for Pt. Namasindo Plas
What is Nita C's title at Pt. Namasindo Plas?
Nita's title is , Qa/qc
What is Nita C's Seniority at Pt. Namasindo Plas?
Nita C has been with Pt. Namasindo Plas for 6 months and is a normal employee
For how long is Nita C working as a Qa/qc?
Nita C has 6 months experience as Qa/qc.
What is Nita C's company phone number?
Nita C's company phone number is +1 (800) 223*****
What is Nita C's LinkedIn profile ?
Nita C's LinkedIn profile can be found at***c-2163***
Who are Nita C's colleagues at Pt. Namasindo Plas?
Some of Nita C's colleagues are Aden Wina, Siska Sulastina, Anto Sunarto, silviana -, Rina Agustina, Julaeha Kurnia.

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