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Malaysia, Selangor, Bandar Baru Bangi Last updated2022-03-18 Remove my information
LocationMalaysia , Negeri Perak, Teluk Intan Website Company Sizecensoredcens Employees5945 profiles available Last Updated2023-05-13
The Public Bank Group is the third largest banking group in Macensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcen
Computer Systems Analysts examine current data communication systems and design processes to improve information systems while remaining cost-effective. Computer Systems Analysts may further define their scope and use titles such as Software Systems Analyst or Information System Analyst. Create B2B relationships and populate your CRM with verified e-mails and phone numbers of Computer Systems Analysts worldwide.
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Nur Othman's current details
Current Title System Analyst
Type of Role Computer Systems Analyst
just 0.1% from Malaysia work as a Computer Systems Analyst
Job functions Business Development
Job Seniority Non Management
77% from Malaysia are employed in Non Management
Current Industry Software Development, Coding and Progcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcenso
Location Malaysia, Selangor, Bandar Baru Bangi
Experience (tracked since 2016) ▪ censore experience at Public Bank ▪ censore experience as System Analyst
Work-life tracked since 2016 Nur Othman had a total of X different roles since 2016
Nur Zafri Othman's Work History
data available since 2016
(6 months) Public Bank Malaysia System Analyst Software Development, Coding and Programming Languages Public Bank
20XX - 20XX - Dean's List for 6 Semesters out of 8, Involve censoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcens
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Frequently asked questions
What company does Nur Othman work for? Nur Othman is working for Public Bank
What is Nur Othman's title at Public Bank? Nur's title is , System Analyst
What is Nur Othman's Seniority at Public Bank? Nur Othman has been with Public Bank for 3+ years and is a normal employee
For how long is Nur Othman working as a System Analyst? Nur Othman has 6 months experience as System Analyst.
What are Nur Othman's functions as a System Analyst ? Nur Othman is responsible for Business Development, censoredcensoredcenso
What is Nur Othman's company phone number? Nur Othman's company phone number is +60 5-622 ****
What is Nur Othman's email contact? Nur Othman's email address is ****
Who are similar contacts like Nur Othman ? Some similar contacts are Fatin Muluk, Atiqah Nasir, Syahman Safie, Mei Chua, Janice Lee and Jin Teo.
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