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Priyanka Jhala

Account Manager at Ourcrowd
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Priyanka Jhala's Contact Information

LinkedIn URL ajhsor
Company Ourcrowd
Residence Canada, Ontario, Toronto
Last updated 2024-05-14
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Account Managers are responsible for managing the relationships between their company and its clients or customers.
Also known as Client Relations Manager or Customer Service Manager.
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Priyanka Jhala's current details

Current Title
Account Manager
Type of Role
Account Manager
 just 0.5% from Canada work as a Account Manager
Job functions
Operations, Sales and Support
Job Seniority
Lower Management
  12% from Canada are employed in Lower Management
Current Industry
Investment Banking and Privatc ensore dce nsoredcen soredcens oredcens ore dcensoredc ensoredce
Canada, Ontario, Toronto
Experience (tracked since 2021)
▪ c ensore experience at Ourcrowd
▪ c ensore experience as Account Manager
Work-life tracked since 2021
Priyanka Jhala had a total of X different roles since 2021

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Company "Ourcrowd"

Company name
Company size
censo redcens
Year Founded
Linkedin Profile d-lsor
Industrial Field
Investment Banking and Private Equity
Israel, Jerusalem District, Jerusalem
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Priyanka Jhala's Work History
data available since 2021

  • 2022 (6 months)
    Account Manager
  • 20XX (1+ censo)
    Pcensor edcens o redcensor edcen s oredcensored
    Vcensor edcenso
  • 20XX (6 censor)
    Pcensore dce nsored
    Fcensored censo redcensored
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Priyanka Jhala's Professional Experience

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Frequently asked questions

What company does Priyanka Jhala work for?
Priyanka Jhala is working for Ourcrowd
What is Priyanka Jhala's title at Ourcrowd?
Priyanka's title is , Account Manager
What is Priyanka Jhala's Seniority at Ourcrowd?
Priyanka Jhala has been with Ourcrowd for 6 months and is in Lower Management
For how long is Priyanka Jhala working as a Account Manager?
Priyanka Jhala has 6 months experience as Account Manager.
What are Priyanka Jhala's functions as a Account Manager ?
Priyanka Jhala is responsible for Operations, Scensore dcens
Who are similar contacts like Priyanka Jhala ?
Some similar contacts are John Kenny, Krithika Mohan, Nicole Gatt, Ryan Wagnell, Linda Piperi and Aju Eldhose.
What is Priyanka Jhala's LinkedIn profile ?
Priyanka Jhala's LinkedIn profile can be found at***kajh***
Who are Priyanka Jhala's colleagues at Ourcrowd?
Some of Priyanka Jhala's colleagues are Tzahi Lati, Jean Tan, Sara Hovav, Oti Odeny, David Shore, Lisa Graston.

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