LinkedIn PositionConsorcio Mic Residence
Colombia, Bogotá, Bogotá Last updated2018-10-14 Remove my information
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Mechanical Technicians examine and troubleshoot components of machinery and vehicles to diagnose issues and correct malfunctions. If you are in need of a Mechanical Technician, we can provide you with the names and e-mail addresses of countless Mechanical Technicians worldwide.
Job functions Engineering, Information Technology and Construction
Job Seniority Non Management
87% from Colombia are employed in Non Management
Current Industry Fossil Fuel and Energy Prodcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensore
Location Colombia, Bogotá, Bogotá
Experience (tracked since 2018) ▪ censore experience at Consorcio Mic ▪ censore experience as Tecnico Mecanico
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Rafael Florez's Work History
data available since 2018
(6 months) Consorcio Mic Colombia Tecnico Mecanico Fossil Fuel and Energy Production
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Rafael Florez's Professional Experience
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Frequently asked questions
What company does Rafael Florez work for? Rafael Florez is working for Consorcio Mic
What is Rafael Florez's title at Consorcio Mic? Rafael's title is , Tecnico Mecanico
What is Rafael Florez's Seniority at Consorcio Mic? Rafael Florez has been with Consorcio Mic for 6 months and is a normal employee
For how long is Rafael Florez working as a Tecnico Mecanico? Rafael Florez has 6 months experience as Tecnico Mecanico.
What are Rafael Florez's functions as a Tecnico Mecanico ? Rafael Florez is responsible for Engineering, Constructioncensoredcensoredcensor
Who are similar contacts like Rafael Florez ? Some similar contacts are Diego Muñoz, Jorge Rosado, Omar Lopez, Luis Lopez, Jose Reyes and Jaime Carmona.
What is Rafael Florez's LinkedIn profile ? Rafael Florez's LinkedIn profile can be found at***ez-204***
Who are Rafael Florez's colleagues at Consorcio Mic? Some of Rafael Florez's colleagues are Yuliana Henao.
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