Contact directory profile

Rene Cortinas

Teacher - coach at Edinburg Isd
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Rene Cortinas's Contact Information

LinkedIn URL s-aa0sor
Company Edinburg Isd
Residence United States, Texas, McAllen
Last updated 2024-08-08
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Coaches are responsible for teaching athletes the fundamental techniques of a sport and motivating them to reach their performance goals.
Other job titles include Athletic Coach and Fitness Trainer.
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Rene Cortinas's current details

Current Title
Teacher - coach
Type of Role
 just 0.2% from United States work as a Coach
Job functions
Job Seniority
Non Management
  74% from United States are employed in Non Management
Current Industry
Educational Management, Admicensoredcen sor edcensored cen soredcen sor edcensor edcensoredc
United States, Texas, McAllen
Experience (tracked since 2017)
▪ c ensore experience at Edinburg Isd
▪ c ensore experience as Teacher - coach
LinkedIn profile s-aa0sor

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Company "Edinburg Isd"

Company name
Edinburg Isd
Company size
censo redcens
Year Founded
Linkedin Profile g-isor
Industrial Field
Educational Management, Administration, and Leadership
United States, Texas, Weslaco
Full Company Profile
Edinburg Isd

Rene Cortinas's Work History
data available since 2017

  • 2017 (6 months)
    Edinburg Isd
    United States
    teacher - coach
    Educational Management, Administration, and Leadership
    Edinburg Isd
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Frequently asked questions

What company does Rene Cortinas work for?
Rene Cortinas is working for Edinburg Isd
What is Rene Cortinas's title at Edinburg Isd?
Rene's title is , Teacher - coach
What is Rene Cortinas's Seniority at Edinburg Isd?
Rene Cortinas has been with Edinburg Isd for 6 months and is a normal employee
For how long is Rene Cortinas working as a Teacher - coach?
Rene Cortinas has 6 months experience as Teacher - coach.
What are Rene Cortinas's functions as a Teacher - coach ?
Rene Cortinas is responsible for Educationc ensored
Who are similar contacts like Rene Cortinas ?
Some similar contacts are Jon Saldana, Angie Rojas, Best Leap, Credeur Alvin, Luciano Peralta and Terry Crenwelge.
What is Rene Cortinas's LinkedIn profile ?
Rene Cortinas's LinkedIn profile can be found at***as-aa0***
Who are Rene Cortinas's colleagues at Edinburg Isd?
Some of Rene Cortinas's colleagues are Zeke Cuellar, Albert Guerra, Bruce Barrera, Rey Mata, Jessie Oviedo, Reyna Leon.

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