Contact directory profile

Rigenald Sonza

Government Employee Municipal Hall Of Bauang
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Rigenald Sonza's Contact Information

LinkedIn URL a-6a3sor
Position Municipal Hall Of Bauang
Residence Philippines, Ilocos Region, Bauang
Last updated 2024-05-01
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Politicians are elected officials who represent the people of their district or state in government and make decisions on behalf of their constituents.
Also known as Legislators or Representatives.
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Rigenald Sonza's current details

Current Title
Government Employee
Type of Role
 just 0.1% from Philippines work as a Politician
Job functions
Job Seniority
Higher Management
  just 3% from Philippines are employed in Higher Management
Current Industry
Insurance, Risk Management and censoredc ensored cen soredcens oredcensoredce nsoredce nso redcensor
Philippines, Ilocos Region, Bauang
Experience (tracked since 2018)
▪ ce nsore experience at Municipal Hall Of Bauang
▪ ce nsore experience as Government Employee
Work-life tracked since 2018
Rigenald Sonza had a total of X different roles since 2018

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Rigenald Sonza's Work History
data available since 2018

  • 2023 (6 months)
    Municipal Hall Of Bauang
    Government Employee
    Insurance, Risk Management and Actuarial Science
  • 20XX (6 censor)
    Lcens oredcen sor edcensor edcensore
    Gcensoredc ensoredc
  • 20XX (1+ censo)
    Mcensored cens or edcens
    Rcensore dcensored
  • 20XX (1+ censo)
    Scens or edcensor edcensore dcens
    Pcensoredc ensoredc en soredcens oredcensore dce nsoredcens n-coalitisor
  • 20XX (1+ censo)
    Pcensor edcensore
    Fcensored censore
    Icensoredc enso redcensore dce nsoredcen soredce -insursor
  • 20XX (a fce nsored)
    Fcensored censo
    Icensoredc enso redcensore dce nsoredcen soredce
  • 20XX (6 censor)
    Pcensor edcensore
    fcensored censo
    Icensoredc enso redcensore dce nsoredcen soredce -insursor
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Rigenald Sonza's Professional Experience

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Frequently asked questions

What company does Rigenald Sonza work for?
Rigenald Sonza is working for Municipal Hall Of Bauang
What is Rigenald Sonza's title at Municipal Hall Of Bauang?
Rigenald's title is , Government Employee
What is Rigenald Sonza's Seniority at Municipal Hall Of Bauang?
Rigenald Sonza has been with Municipal Hall Of Bauang for 1+ years and is in Higher Management
For how long is Rigenald Sonza working as a Government Employee?
Rigenald Sonza has 1+ years experience as Government Employee.
What are Rigenald Sonza's functions as a Government Employee ?
Rigenald Sonza is responsible for Administraticen soredcen
Who are similar contacts like Rigenald Sonza ?
Some similar contacts are Gracesel Cabel, Gabriel Tuazon, Christian Doronio, Reyman Tuliao, Elmer Pascua and Rhoda Rosario.
What is Rigenald Sonza's LinkedIn profile ?
Rigenald Sonza's LinkedIn profile can be found at***za-6a3***

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