LinkedIn CompanyYmca Residence
United States, Massachusetts, Springfield Last updated2024-07-13 Remove my information
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Rolanda W's current details
Job Seniority Non Management
74% from United States are employed in Non Management
Location United States, Massachusetts, Springfield
Experience (tracked since 2024) ▪ censore experience at Ymca ▪ censore experience as
What company does Rolanda W work for? Rolanda W is working for Ymca
What is Rolanda W's Seniority at Ymca? Rolanda W has been with Ymca for 6 months and is a normal employee
What is Rolanda W's LinkedIn profile ? Rolanda W's LinkedIn profile can be found at***-18487***
Who are Rolanda W's colleagues at Ymca? Some of Rolanda W's colleagues are Matthew Miller, Marilyn Reyes, Anthony Pearsonps, Luz Gonzalez.
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