Contact directory profile

Romain Diot

International CRM & Client Data Manager at Hublot
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Romain Diot's Contact Information

LinkedIn URL osor
Company Hublot
Residence Switzerland
Last updated 2024-09-15
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CRM Specialists specialize in implementing customer relationship management (CRM) systems to increase efficiency in customer service processes such as sales automation, data analysis, client outreach, etc.
Also referred to as Customer Relationship Manager or CRM Administrator.
CRM Specialists available via our services can help unlock the potential of customer relationships for you or your business.
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Career Opportunities at Hublot

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Romain Diot's current details

Current Title
International CRM & Client Data Manager
Type of Role
CRM Specialist
Job functions
Consulting, Operations and Support
Job Seniority
Non Management
  72% from Switzerland are employed in Non Management
Current Industry
Vehicle Manufacturing and Mocensor edcensore dce nsored censoredc ensoredc ens oredcensored
Experience (tracked since 2004)
▪ ce nsore experience as International CRM & Client Data Manager
  1026% more than average experience as CRM Specialist in Switzerland
Work-life tracked since 2004
Romain Diot had a total of X different roles since 2004
Skills & Expertise
▪ Business Strategy
▪ Cce
▪ Ccensore
    16 more skills ...
Hobbies & Interests
▪ Danse latine
▪ Pracenso redcenso re dcens oredcenso re dcensoredc
▪ Vcenso re dcen

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Company "Hublot"

Company name
Company size
censo redcens
Linkedin Profile t-sor
United States, Texas, Dallas
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Romain Diot's Work History
data available since 2004

  • 2024 (6 months)
    International CRM & Client Data Manager
    Vehicle Manufacturing and Mobility Solutions
  • 20XX (1+ censo)
    Ucenso redcen
    Icensoredcens ore d censor edce nsoredc osor
  • 20XX (1+ censo)
    Icensoredcens ore d censor edce nsoredc osor
  • 20XX (3+ censo)
    Dcensor edc ens oredcen mosor
  • 20XX (1+ censo)
    Icensoredcens oredce nsoredcens oredce nsoredc ensored mosor
  • 20XX (3+ censo)
    Dcensor edc ens oredcen
    Vcensor edcensoredcen sor edcensor edcensore mosor
  • 20XX (a fce nsored)
    Lcen soredcenso red cen soredcensor
    Vcensor edcensoredcen sor edcensor edcensore
  • 20XX (3+ censo)
    Ccens oredcens
    Cce nsoredcens
    Vcensor edcensoredcen sor edcensor edcensore grosor
  • 20XX (1+ censo)
    Pce nsoredc ensored
    Ccens oredcens
    Ccen so redcens oredce
    Vcensor edcensoredcen sor edcensor edcensore -m-cansor
  • 20XX (6 censor)
    Tcenso redcenso
    Ccens oredcens
    Ccenso redcensor ed censoredcenso
    Vcensor edcensoredcen sor edcensor edcensore esor
  • 20XX (1+ censo)
    Ccens oredcens
    Acensored cens oredc ensor
    Vcensor edcensoredcen sor edcensor edcensore natiosor
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Romain Diot's Professional Experience

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Romain Diot's Education

  • 20XX - 20XX - Groupe ESc ensore
    Master Grande censo r edcens o re dcensoredcenso redcensore dcensored
  • 20XX - 20XX - Sun Ycensor edcensored
    Mce nsoredcens oredcensoredc ensoredc universor
  • 20XX - 20XX - CFA de censoredcensoredcens
    Bce nso re dcensoredce nsoredcenso redcensore
  • 20XX - 20XX - Lycce nsoredcen
    Bce nsor edcen soredcens
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Frequently asked questions

What company does Romain Diot work for?
Romain Diot is working for Hublot
What is Romain Diot's title at Hublot?
Romain's title is , International CRM & Client Data Manager
What is Romain Diot's Seniority at Hublot?
Romain Diot has been with Hublot for a few months and is a normal employee
For how long is Romain Diot working as a International CRM & Client Data Manager?
Romain Diot has 7+ years experience as International CRM & Client Data Manager.
What are Romain Diot's functions as a International CRM & Client Data Manager ?
Romain Diot is responsible for Consulting, Suppcens oredcensor
Which education does Romain Diot have?
Romain Diot has a Bachelor degree from Sce nsoredc ensoredcen.
Who are similar contacts like Romain Diot ?
Some similar contacts are Thomas Hess, Leon Brama, Rüegg Werner, Bertrand Sculati, Elena Bonomi and Adriano Nessi.
What is Romain Diot's LinkedIn profile ?
Romain Diot's LinkedIn profile can be found at***io***

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