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S Stoney's current details
Current Title Sänger
Type of Role Singer
Job functions Leisure
Job Seniority Non Management
72% from Switzerland are employed in Non Management
Current Industry Leisure Tourism and Hospitalcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredce
Location Switzerland, Zürich, Elgg
Experience (tracked since 2021) ▪ censore experience at Horan-alderson Self-entertainment ▪ censore experience as Sänger
What company does S Stoney work for? S Stoney is working for Horan-alderson Self-entertainment
What is S Stoney's title at Horan-alderson Self-entertainment? Stoney's title is , Sänger
What is S Stoney's Seniority at Horan-alderson Self-entertainment? S Stoney has been with Horan-alderson Self-entertainment for 6 months and is a normal employee
For how long is S Stoney working as a Sänger? S Stoney has 6 months experience as Sänger.
What are S Stoney's functions as a Sänger ? S Stoney is responsible for Leiscen
Who are similar contacts like S Stoney ? Some similar contacts are Danijela Bjelica, Oliver Tewelde, Lisa Vietinghoff, Matews M, Fabuloso Musicrd and Zara Larsson.
What is S Stoney's LinkedIn profile ? S Stoney's LinkedIn profile can be found at https://linkedin.com/in/s-***-3137***
Who are S Stoney's colleagues at Horan-alderson Self-entertainment? Some of S Stoney's colleagues are Walter Geissmann, Patricia Demarmels, Dani Petersen, Anna Ziccarelli, Ruth Keller, Poletti Susanne.
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