LocationIndonesia , Jakarta Websitehttp://www.tobasejahtra.com Company Sizecensoredcens Employees55 profiles available Last Updated2018-01-01
HR Specialists recruit, interview and place employees, as well as handle employee relations, including support and disputes. HR Specialists are also often labelled HR Assistants. Grow your CRM and build B2B relationships with HR Specialists around the world with our services.
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Sandry Soemardi's current details
Current Title HR
Type of Role HR Specialist
just 0.3% from Indonesia work as a HR Specialist
Job functions Human Resources
Job Seniority Non Management
84% from Indonesia are employed in Non Management
Current Industry Mining, Metallurgy and Resource censoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensored
Location Indonesia
Experience (tracked since 2018) ▪ censore experience at Pt. Toba Sejahtra ▪ censore experience as HR
Sandry Soemardi's Work History
data available since 2018
(6 months) Pt. Toba Sejahtra Indonesia HR Mining, Metallurgy and Resource Extraction Pt. Toba Sejahtra https://linkedin.com/company/pt-toba-sejahtra
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Frequently asked questions
What company does Sandry Soemardi work for? Sandry Soemardi is working for Pt. Toba Sejahtra
What is Sandry Soemardi's title at Pt. Toba Sejahtra? Sandry's title is , HR
What is Sandry Soemardi's Seniority at Pt. Toba Sejahtra? Sandry Soemardi has been with Pt. Toba Sejahtra for 6 months and is a normal employee
For how long is Sandry Soemardi working as a HR? Sandry Soemardi has 6 months experience as HR.
What are Sandry Soemardi's functions as a HR ? Sandry Soemardi is responsible for Human Recensore
Who are similar contacts like Sandry Soemardi ? Some similar contacts are Dedi Saputra, Ardika Saputra, Dita Andyini, Rully Safari, Lina Sapari and Anwar Sanusi.
What is Sandry Soemardi's LinkedIn profile ? Sandry Soemardi's LinkedIn profile can be found at https://linkedin.com/in/san***rdi-11***
Who are Sandry Soemardi's colleagues at Pt. Toba Sejahtra? Some of Sandry Soemardi's colleagues are Cathrine Warouw, Arum Pandan, Mohamad Aditya, Sophi Fauzia, Emillia Wulandari, Firman Pane.
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