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Poland, mazowieckie, Warszawa Last updated2023-06-17 Remove my information
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Investors purchase stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate and other investment products in order to generate returns on their investments over time. Also referred to as Financial Analyst or Portfolio Manager. Buy contacts of experienced Investors to find the perfect investments for your portfolio from our database.
What company does Sara Molenda work for? Sara Molenda is working for Societe Generale
What is Sara Molenda's title at Societe Generale? Sara's title is , Investment Banking Intern
What is Sara Molenda's Seniority at Societe Generale? Sara Molenda has been with Societe Generale for 6 months and is a normal employee
For how long is Sara Molenda working as a Investment Banking Intern? Sara Molenda has 1+ years experience as Investment Banking Intern.
What are Sara Molenda's functions as a Investment Banking Intern ? Sara Molenda is responsible for Finance, Icensoredc
What is Sara Molenda's email contact? Sara Molenda's email address is ****
Who are similar contacts like Sara Molenda ? Some similar contacts are Waclawa Jalynska, Michał Kocon, Witold Głowacki, Anar A., Joanna Jędrasiak and Narmin Shahmardanli.
What is Sara Molenda's LinkedIn profile ? Sara Molenda's LinkedIn profile can be found at***a-8115***
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