LinkedIn PositionPixal Productions Residence
India, Maharashtra, Mumbai Last updated2023-04-30 Remove my information
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Actors portray characters in film, television, and live performances by interpreting scripts, typically for entertainment or informational purposes . Actors may also be known as Actresses or Voice - Over Actors . Contact professional Actors for your creative projects with ease via our services that supply verified emails and phone numbers .
Job Seniority Non Management
80% from India are employed in Non Management
Current Industry Media Production, Post - Productiocensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcen
Location India, Maharashtra, Mumbai
Experience (tracked since 2018) ▪ censore experience at Pixal Productions ▪ censore experience as Professional Actor
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Shani Actor's Work History
data available since 2018
(6 months) Pixal Productions India Professional Actor Media Production, Post - Production and Audio - Visual Design
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Frequently asked questions
What company does Shani Actor work for? Shani Actor is working for Pixal Productions
What is Shani Actor's title at Pixal Productions? Shani's title is , Professional Actor
What is Shani Actor's Seniority at Pixal Productions? Shani Actor has been with Pixal Productions for 6 months and is a normal employee
For how long is Shani Actor working as a Professional Actor? Shani Actor has 6 months experience as Professional Actor.
What are Shani Actor's functions as a Professional Actor ? Shani Actor is responsible for Leiscen
Who are similar contacts like Shani Actor ? Some similar contacts are Ria Pande, Sandeep Kumar, Aarti Thakur, Vivian Dsena, Vikash Kumar and Anuj Dabral.
What is Shani Actor's LinkedIn profile ? Shani Actor's LinkedIn profile can be found at***r-59a2***
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