Contact directory profile

Sra Mago Hernandez Hernandez

Ama de casa at Ninguna
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Sra Mago Hernandez Hernandez's Contact Information

Email (work) **********
LinkedIn URL ernandez-sor
Tel. (Company) +52 800 426 XXXX
Company Ninguna
Residence Mexico, Durango, Durango
Last updated 2022-02-08
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Sra Hernandez's current details

Current Title
Ama de casa
Type of Role
Maid and Housekeeper
 just 0.1% from Mexico work as a Maid and Housekeeper
Job functions
Job Seniority
Non Management
  80% from Mexico are employed in Non Management
Current Industry
Healthcare, Wellness and Fitness Programce nsoredcensor edcensored censore dce nsoredcen sor edcensoredcens ore dcensoredce nsoredce
Mexico, Durango, Durango
Experience (tracked since 2018)
▪ c ensore experience at Ninguna
▪ ce nsore experience as Ama de casa
  717% more than average experience as Maid and Housekeeper in Mexico
LinkedIn profile ernandez-sor

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Company "Ninguna"

Company name
Company size
censo redcens
Linkedin Profile atil-mesor
Industrial Field
Acquisition, Investment Banking and Financing
Mexico, Nuevo León, San Pedro Garza García
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Sra Mago Hernandez Hernandez's Work History
data available since 2018

  • 2018 (6 months)
    Ama de casa
    Healthcare, Wellness and Fitness Programs
  • 20XX (a fce nsored)
    Ace ns ored ce nsoredc
    Hcensoredce nsoredce nso redcens oredcens
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Sra Hernandez's Professional Experience

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Frequently asked questions

What company does Sra Hernandez work for?
Sra Hernandez is working for Ninguna
What is Sra Hernandez's title at Ninguna?
Sra's title is , Ama de casa
What is Sra Hernandez's Seniority at Ninguna?
Sra Hernandez has been with Ninguna for 6 months and is a normal employee
For how long is Sra Hernandez working as a Ama de casa?
Sra Hernandez has 3+ years experience as Ama de casa.
What are Sra Hernandez's functions as a Ama de casa ?
Sra Hernandez is responsible for Adminiscensore
What is Sra Hernandez's company phone number?
Sra Hernandez's company phone number is +52 800 426 ****
What is Sra Hernandez's email contact?
Sra Hernandez's email address is **********
Who are similar contacts like Sra Hernandez ?
Some similar contacts are Erika Stenner, Mireya Carrillo, Brendajudith Lopez, Fani Nucamendi, Jazmin Chapa and Xenia Flores.

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