LocationNepal , Central Development Region, Karyabinayak Website Company Sizecensoredcens Employees134 profiles available Last Updated2020-02-15
Customer Service Managers are responsible for providing excellent customer service to ensure customer satisfaction. Other job titles include Customer Care Manager and Customer Support Manager. Unlock the potential of your business with expert customer service managers who will ensure all inquiries are answered promptly and customer satisfaction is maximized.
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Supriya Nepali's current details
Current Title Customer Support Assistant Supervisor
Type of Role Customer Service Manager
Job functions Operations, Support and Assistance
Job Seniority Lower Management
7% from Nepal are employed in Lower Management
Current Industry Media Broadcacensoredcensoredcensoredc
Location Nepal
Experience (tracked since 2018) ▪ censore experience at Dish Media Network P Ltd. ▪ censore experience as Customer Support Assistant Supervisor
What company does Supriya Nepali work for? Supriya Nepali is working for Dish Media Network P Ltd.
What is Supriya Nepali's title at Dish Media Network P Ltd.? Supriya's title is , Customer Support Assistant Supervisor
What is Supriya Nepali's Seniority at Dish Media Network P Ltd.? Supriya Nepali has been with Dish Media Network P Ltd. for 6 months and is in Lower Management
For how long is Supriya Nepali working as a Customer Support Assistant Supervisor? Supriya Nepali has 3+ years experience as Customer Support Assistant Supervisor.
What are Supriya Nepali's functions as a Customer Support Assistant Supervisor ? Supriya Nepali is responsible for Operations, Assicensoredcensor
Who are similar contacts like Supriya Nepali ? Some similar contacts are Abdul Ansari, Bishal Mandal, Binod Pandey, Rajan Rajbanshi, Dhanpati Paudel and Keshav Sejuwal.
What is Supriya Nepali's LinkedIn profile ? Supriya Nepali's LinkedIn profile can be found at https://linkedin.com/in/sup***li-bab***
Who are Supriya Nepali's colleagues at Dish Media Network P Ltd.? Some of Supriya Nepali's colleagues are Manoj Neupane, Geeta Gurung, Bhawana Rana, Ashok Basnet, Shyam Thapa, Bishal Subedi.
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