Contact directory profile

Teeji Shaji

HR officer at Muthoot Capital Services Ltd-india
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Teeji Shaji's Contact Information

LinkedIn URL -829sor
Tel. (Company) +91 11 4346 XXXX
Company Muthoot Capital Services Ltd-india
Residence India, Kerala, Ernakulam
Last updated 2023-11-20
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Jurisprudents (Officers) ensure compliance with the laws within their jurisdiction. They investigate complaints, enforce regulations, maintain order and respond to emergencies.
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Teeji Shaji's current details

Current Title
HR officer
Type of Role
 just 0.4% from India work as a Officer
Job functions
Human Resources
Job Seniority
Non Management
  80% from India are employed in Non Management
Current Industry
Financial Services, Banking, and censoredce nsoredcen sor edcensore dce nsoredcenso red censored censore
India, Kerala, Ernakulam
Experience (tracked since 2007)
▪ ce nsore experience at Muthoot Capital Services Ltd-india
▪ c ensore experience as HR officer
Work-life tracked since 2007
Teeji Shaji had a total of X different roles since 2007
Skills & Expertise
▪ Coaching Class For Maths
▪ Ece
▪ Emcensored censoredce nsoredcens
    3 more skills ...

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Company "Muthoot Capital Services Ltd-india"

Company size
censo redcens
Year Founded
Linkedin Profile ot-grsor
Industrial Field
Financial Services, Banking, and Investment Solutions
India, Delhi, Delhi
Full Company Profile
Muthoot Capital Services Ltd-india

Teeji Shaji's Work History
data available since 2007

  • 2018 (6 months)
    Muthoot Capital Services Ltd-india
    HR officer
    Financial Services, Banking, and Investment Solutions
    Muthoot Capital Services Ltd-india
  • 20XX (a fce nsored)
    Sc ensoredce ns
    Fcensored censoredc ensoredc ens oredcensor edcensore
  • 20XX (3+ censo)
    Ccensoredc ensoredc ensor edc en
    Jcensor edcensore dcenso redce nso redcen soredc -ltd-gusor
  • 20XX (7+ censo)
    Mcensor edcenso redcenso redc
    Hc ensoredce
    Jcensor edcensore dcenso redce nso redcen soredc ot-grsor
  • 20XX (7+ censo)
    Scenso redcens o redcensor edcenso
    Hc ensoredce
    Jcensor edcensore dcenso redce nso redcen soredc ewellery-sor
  • 20XX (7+ censo)
    Scenso redcens o redcensor edcenso
    Acensore dcensored
    Jcensor edcensore dcenso redce nso redcen soredc ewellery-sor
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Teeji Shaji's Professional Experience

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Teeji Shaji's Education

  • 20XX - 20XX - Annamalai censoredce
    Master of Bcensore dcensoredcenso redcensor edcenso re niversor
  • 20XX - 20XX - Annacenso redcensore
    Ascensoredc ensored cens oredcen so redce nsoredce nsoredcenso redc ensored ce nsore dcensore dcensoredc ensoredcen soredcens oredcensore dcen niversor
  • 20XX - 20XX - St.Thecensor edcenso redcensor
    Bcensoredc ensored cen soredc ens
  • - Annacenso redcensore
    Dcensor ed censo redcenso redcensore niversor
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Frequently asked questions

What company does Teeji Shaji work for?
Teeji Shaji is working for Muthoot Capital Services Ltd-india
What is Teeji Shaji's title at Muthoot Capital Services Ltd-india?
Teeji's title is , HR officer
What is Teeji Shaji's Seniority at Muthoot Capital Services Ltd-india?
Teeji Shaji has been with Muthoot Capital Services Ltd-india for 7+ years and is a normal employee
For how long is Teeji Shaji working as a HR officer?
Teeji Shaji has 6 months experience as HR officer.
What are Teeji Shaji's functions as a HR officer ?
Teeji Shaji is responsible for Human Resources, Militarc e nsoredcens oredcens
What is Teeji Shaji's company phone number?
Teeji Shaji's company phone number is +91 11 4346 ****
Which education does Teeji Shaji have?
Teeji Shaji has a Bachelor degree from Acensored censoredce.
Who are similar contacts like Teeji Shaji ?
Some similar contacts are Vineeth Vineethpv, Abhishek Srivastava, Ash Cool, Vinod K, Deepti Nair and Vishnupriyan Kartha.k.

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