LinkedIn PositionDolvin Mechanical Residence
Canada, Ontario, Toronto Last updated2023-11-20 Remove my information
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Cost Estimators calculate estimates for the cost of product development, construction and services. Cost Estimators typically work in specific industries and use titles such as Construction Cost Estimator or Manufacturing Cost Estimator. Find an ideal candidate for your Cost Estimator position with our recruitment database. We can provide you with names, phone numbers and e-mail addresses for potential employees worldwide.
Type of Role Cost Estimator
just 0.1% from Canada work as a Cost Estimator
Job functions Consulting
Job Seniority Non Management
76% from Canada are employed in Non Management
Current Industry Building Construction, Architectcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensore
Location Canada, Ontario, Toronto
Experience (tracked since 2018) ▪ censore experience at Dolvin Mechanical ▪ censore experience as Estimator
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Weigang Xuan's Work History
data available since 2018
(6 months) Dolvin Mechanical Canada Estimator Building Construction, Architecture and Design
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Frequently asked questions
What company does Weigang Xuan work for? Weigang Xuan is working for Dolvin Mechanical
What is Weigang Xuan's title at Dolvin Mechanical? Weigang's title is , Estimator
What is Weigang Xuan's Seniority at Dolvin Mechanical? Weigang Xuan has been with Dolvin Mechanical for 6 months and is a normal employee
For how long is Weigang Xuan working as a Estimator? Weigang Xuan has 6 months experience as Estimator.
What are Weigang Xuan's functions as a Estimator ? Weigang Xuan is responsible for Consucenso
Who are similar contacts like Weigang Xuan ? Some similar contacts are Rick Irasga, Alvhine Pamintuan, Islam Sheshtawy, Camilo Abuabara, Karen C. and Manvinder Gill.
What is Weigang Xuan's LinkedIn profile ? Weigang Xuan's LinkedIn profile can be found at***n-3823***
Who are Weigang Xuan's colleagues at Dolvin Mechanical? Some of Weigang Xuan's colleagues are Luca Dibonaventura, Mike Cerisano, Khalied Zahra.
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