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Yvette Hochberg

Screen writer at Plantation Productions
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Yvette Hochberg's Contact Information

LinkedIn URL rg-321sor
Company Plantation Productions
Residence United States, Florida, Fort Lauderdale
Last updated 2019-05-28
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Writers & Editors produce written content in forms such as articles, stories, reports etc., while also editing existing documents for accuracy.
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Yvette Hochberg's current details

Current Title
Screen writer
Type of Role
Writer & Editor
 just 0.3% from United States work as a Writer & Editor
Job functions
Arts and Design, Media & Communications and Leisure
Job Seniority
Non Management
  74% from United States are employed in Non Management
Current Industry
Entertainment, Podcasts, Medice nso redcensore dce nsoredce nsoredce nso redcensoredc ensoredc
United States, Florida, Fort Lauderdale
Experience (tracked since 2018)
▪ c ensore experience at Plantation Productions
▪ c ensore experience as Screen writer
LinkedIn profile rg-321sor

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Company "Plantation Productions"

Company name
Plantation Productions
Company size
censo redcens
Linkedin Profile roductsor
Industrial Field
Entertainment, Podcasts, Media, and Publishing
United States, Georgia, Conyers
Full Company Profile
Plantation Productions

Yvette Hochberg's Work History
data available since 2018

  • 2018 (6 months)
    Plantation Productions
    United States
    Screen writer
    Entertainment, Podcasts, Media, and Publishing
    Plantation Productions
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Yvette Hochberg's Professional Experience

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Frequently asked questions

What company does Yvette Hochberg work for?
Yvette Hochberg is working for Plantation Productions
What is Yvette Hochberg's title at Plantation Productions?
Yvette's title is , Screen writer
What is Yvette Hochberg's Seniority at Plantation Productions?
Yvette Hochberg has been with Plantation Productions for 6 months and is a normal employee
For how long is Yvette Hochberg working as a Screen writer?
Yvette Hochberg has 6 months experience as Screen writer.
What are Yvette Hochberg's functions as a Screen writer ?
Yvette Hochberg is responsible for Arts and Design, Leisurec ensor e dcensoredcenso
Who are similar contacts like Yvette Hochberg ?
Some similar contacts are Idella Johnson-muldrow, Isabel Sanchez, Jennifer Conover, Jessie Head, John Hollett and Faro Kane.
What is Yvette Hochberg's LinkedIn profile ?
Yvette Hochberg's LinkedIn profile can be found at***erg-321***
Who are Yvette Hochberg's colleagues at Plantation Productions?
Some of Yvette Hochberg's colleagues are Randy Hyde, Natalie Pace, Nevena Krasteva, Angela Ross, Moya Crowley, Taylor Bjur.

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