Contact directory profile

Catherine Hansen

Administrative Assistant at 20th Judicial Circuit , Fort Myers, Fl
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Catherine Hansen's Contact Information

LinkedIn URL sen-1asor
Tel. (Company) +1 239-533-XXXX
Company 20th Judicial Circuit , Fort Myers, Fl
Residence United States, Florida, Fort Myers
Last updated 2023-10-16
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Administrative assistants complete clerical work and administrative tasks such as data entry, file organization, fulfilling daily office needs and generally supporting staff .
Administrative Assistants were widely known as secretaries in the past, but are now also called Administrative Specialists or Administrative Coordinators .
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Career Opportunities at 20th Judicial Circuit , Fort Myers, Fl

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Catherine Hansen's current details

Current Title
Administrative Assistant
Type of Role
Administrative Assistant
 just 0.6% from United States work as a Administrative Assistant
Job functions
Job Seniority
Non Management
  74% from United States are employed in Non Management
Current Industry
Courts, Judiciary and Legal Adminiscensore dce nsored censore dcensoredc ensoredcensored censoredcens ore dcensored
United States, Florida, Fort Myers
Experience (tracked since 2001)
▪ c ensore experience at 20th Judicial Circuit , Fort Myers, Fl
▪ ce nsore experience as Administrative Assistant
  9% more than average experience as Administrative Assistant in United States
LinkedIn profile sen-1asor

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Company "20th Judicial Circuit , Fort Myers, Fl"

Company size
censo redcens
Linkedin Profile uit-fort-msor
Industrial Field
Public Policy, Government Administration, Legislation, and Lawmaking
United States, Florida, Fort Myers

Catherine Hansen's Work History
data available since 2001

  • 2018 (6 months)
    20th Judicial Circuit , Fort Myers, Fl
    United States
    Administrative Assistant
    Courts, Judiciary and Legal Administration
    20th Judicial Circuit , Fort Myers, Fl
  • 20XX (15c ensor)
    2cen soredcen soredce n sore dcenso re
    Ucenso redcen
    Acensoredcenso redcensor
    Ccensor edcensore dce nsore dcensoredcenso uit-fort-msor
  • 20XX (3+ censo)
    Scensor ed censore dcensore d censoredce
    Ucenso redcen
    Lcens oredcenso
    Ccensor edcensore dce nsore dcensoredcenso
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Catherine Hansen's Professional Experience

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Catherine Hansen's Education

  • 20XX - 20XX - Heritage censoredc
    Full-timc ensored ce nsoredce nsoredcen
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Frequently asked questions

What company does Catherine Hansen work for?
Catherine Hansen is working for 20th Judicial Circuit , Fort Myers, Fl
What is Catherine Hansen's title at 20th Judicial Circuit , Fort Myers, Fl?
Catherine's title is , Administrative Assistant
What is Catherine Hansen's Seniority at 20th Judicial Circuit , Fort Myers, Fl?
Catherine Hansen has been with 20th Judicial Circuit , Fort Myers, Fl for 6 months and is a normal employee
For how long is Catherine Hansen working as a Administrative Assistant?
Catherine Hansen has 7+ years experience as Administrative Assistant.
What are Catherine Hansen's functions as a Administrative Assistant ?
Catherine Hansen is responsible for Administrativce nsoredcens
What is Catherine Hansen's company phone number?
Catherine Hansen's company phone number is +1 239-533-****
Which education does Catherine Hansen have?
Catherine Hansen has a Bachelor degree from Hcensore dcensored.
Who are similar contacts like Catherine Hansen ?
Some similar contacts are Kali Dodge, Kim Hauser, Shelia Cook, Rose Lopez, Stacey Wilson and Pam Cannon.

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