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Coca Tejera Jud Delgada Federal

Escribiente Mayor at Poder Judicial De Entre Ríos
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Coca Tejera Jud Delgada Federal's Contact Information

Email (work) ****
LinkedIn URL da-federasor
Tel. (Company) +54 370 443XXXXX
Company Poder Judicial De Entre Ríos
Residence Argentina
Last updated 2022-07-09
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Coca Federal's current details

Current Title
Escribiente Mayor
Type of Role
 just 0.1% from Argentina work as a Mayor
Job Seniority
Higher Management
  6% from Argentina are employed in Higher Management
Current Industry
Courts, Judiciary and Legal Adminiscensore dce nsored censore dcensoredc ensoredcensored censoredcens ore dcensored
Experience (tracked since 2018)
▪ c ensore experience at Poder Judicial De Entre Ríos
▪ c ensore experience as Escribiente Mayor
LinkedIn profile da-federasor

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Company "Poder Judicial De Entre Ríos"

Company size
censo redcens
Linkedin Profile dicsor
Argentina, Formosa, フォルモーザ
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Poder Judicial De Entre Ríos

Coca Tejera Jud Delgada Federal's Work History
data available since 2018

  • 2018 (6 months)
    Poder Judicial De Entre Ríos
    Escribiente Mayor
    Courts, Judiciary and Legal Administration
    Poder Judicial De Entre Ríos
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Frequently asked questions

What company does Coca Federal work for?
Coca Federal is working for Poder Judicial De Entre Ríos
What is Coca Federal's title at Poder Judicial De Entre Ríos?
Coca's title is , Escribiente Mayor
What is Coca Federal's Seniority at Poder Judicial De Entre Ríos?
Coca Federal has been with Poder Judicial De Entre Ríos for 6 months and is in Higher Management
For how long is Coca Federal working as a Escribiente Mayor?
Coca Federal has 6 months experience as Escribiente Mayor.
What is Coca Federal's company phone number?
Coca Federal's company phone number is +54 370 443*****
What is Coca Federal's email contact?
Coca Federal's email address is ****
What is Coca Federal's LinkedIn profile ?
Coca Federal's LinkedIn profile can be found at***ada-federa***
Who are Coca Federal's colleagues at Poder Judicial De Entre Ríos?
Some of Coca Federal's colleagues are Analia Findeisz, Romina Rojas, Daniel Beber, Guillermo Vaquero, Maria Roldan, Ale Ruggero.

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