Contact directory profile

Kosie De Clerk

Ceo at Ecodev
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Kosie De Clerk's Contact Information

LinkedIn URL rk-368sor
Company Ecodev
Residence South Africa, Gauteng, Johannesburg
Last updated 2023-01-13
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Chief Executive Officers are responsible for making sure that their organization meets its goals and objectives through strategic planning and execution.
Also known as Chief Operating Officer (COO) or President.
Purchase Chief Executive Officer leads for successful expansion.
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Kosie Clerk's current details

Current Title
Type of Role
Chief Executive Officer
 just 0.5% from South Africa work as a Chief Executive Officer
Job functions
Job Seniority
Higher Management
  6% from South Africa are employed in Higher Management
Current Industry
Real Estate, Property Valuation and Macens oredcens ore dcenso redcens oredcensor edcensoredcenso redcensoredc ens oredcenso
South Africa, Gauteng, Johannesburg
Experience (tracked since 1995)
▪ c ensore experience at Ecodev
▪ c ensore experience as Ceo
LinkedIn profile rk-368sor

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Company "Ecodev"

Company name
Company size
censo redcens
Linkedin Profile ess-and-insor
Industrial Field
Public Policy, Government Administration, Legislation, and Lawmaking
Australia, Victoria, Melbourne
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Kosie De Clerk's Work History
data available since 1995

  • 2018 (6 months)
    South Africa
    Real Estate, Property Valuation and Market Analysis
  • 19XX (15c ensor)
    Scens oredce
    Rcen soredce nsoredce nsoredcen sor edcens oredcens ess-and-insor
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Frequently asked questions

What company does Kosie Clerk work for?
Kosie Clerk is working for Ecodev
What is Kosie Clerk's title at Ecodev?
Kosie's title is , Ceo
What is Kosie Clerk's Seniority at Ecodev?
Kosie Clerk has been with Ecodev for 6 months and is in Higher Management
For how long is Kosie Clerk working as a Ceo?
Kosie Clerk has 6 months experience as Ceo.
What are Kosie Clerk's functions as a Ceo ?
Kosie Clerk is responsible for Operacenso
Who are similar contacts like Kosie Clerk ?
Some similar contacts are Fundiswa Mossie, Anton Wewege, Verona Ismail, Tsumbe Nevondo, Graham Duxbury and Maele Mothiba.
What is Kosie Clerk's LinkedIn profile ?
Kosie Clerk's LinkedIn profile can be found at***erk-368***
Who are Kosie Clerk's colleagues at Ecodev?
Some of Kosie Clerk's colleagues are Philippe Turin, Paul Herd, Angela Millar, Aji Alex, Alix Q., Diana Angenent.

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