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Chairmen lead meetings, make decisions and oversee the activities of boards of directors within an organization. Other terms for this position may be President or Chairperson. Gain access to Chairman contacts that can improve governance.
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Murat Özmestçi̇'s current details
Current Title Vice Chairman
Type of Role Chairman
Job functions Entrepreneurship
Job Seniority Higher Management
Current Industry Mechanical and Industrial Engcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcen
Location unknown
Experience (tracked since 2018) ▪ censore experience at Dedeman Hotels & Resorts International ▪ censore experience as Vice Chairman
Work-life tracked since 2018 Murat Özmestçi̇ had a total of X different roles since 2018
What company does Murat Özmestçi̇ work for? Murat Özmestçi̇ is working for Dedeman Hotels & Resorts International
What is Murat Özmestçi̇'s title at Dedeman Hotels & Resorts International? Murat's title is , Vice Chairman
What is Murat Özmestçi̇'s Seniority at Dedeman Hotels & Resorts International? Murat Özmestçi̇ has been with Dedeman Hotels & Resorts International for 6 months and is in Higher Management
For how long is Murat Özmestçi̇ working as a Vice Chairman? Murat Özmestçi̇ has 1+ years experience as Vice Chairman.
What are Murat Özmestçi̇'s functions as a Vice Chairman ? Murat Özmestçi̇ is responsible for Entrepreneurshcensoredcenso
Who are similar contacts like Murat Özmestçi̇ ? Some similar contacts are Ping Liu, Madeleine Goacher, Kim Stewart, Kimberly Hanks, Wesley Kirk and Milind Jagtap.
What is Murat Özmestçi̇'s LinkedIn profile ? Murat Özmestçi̇'s LinkedIn profile can be found at https://linkedin.com/in/mu***zmes***
Who are Murat Özmestçi̇'s colleagues at Dedeman Hotels & Resorts International? Some of Murat Özmestçi̇'s colleagues are Ergün Demiray, Murat Kucuk, Unay Turkoz, Eda Yeşim, Gürkan Kaban, Bikash Dhakal.
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